Saturday, November 7, 2009

Spotify: not getting the best advice...

"My advice to Spotify is to hire a banker and start shopping the company to a BDC (big dumb company)." ®

Entertaining read this morning. What I don't get is all the backlash. Spotify has a brilliant model. They've learned so much from others who have failed at making this model work. They know the bottom line is access. We want it all and we want it now. Mobile devices have created the oppurtinuty to make streaming and more importantly caching work anywhere and that's a service worth paying for. If the BDC is Apple I might be down with this idea, anyone else will most likely screw this up. 

Recently I had not only my entire media hard drive die, which housed roughly 1TB of Music, Movies and Pictures, but the media back up drive failed as well. Fortunately I have a 3rd back up that was just a few months old so my total data loss is very little, but I'm getting tired of managing this issue. These things tend to happen every couple of years and it's getting old.

I use Evernote and Dropbox religously and I want to manage my media the same way. I want to walk up to any device, install the app, enter my credentials and boom all my stuff is there. My library, My playlists, My ratings... The whole thing. I don't want to think about it, I just want access to it, where ever I am.

I want my Spotify and I want it now!     

Joe Shockley
Sent from my iPhone

Posted via email from Joe Shockley's Data & Sound

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