Saturday, April 30, 2011
Water Play
Friday, April 29, 2011
Go Go Gadget Kitty!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Joe Shockley Podcast-029: 04/29/2011
twitter: @JoeShockley
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Joe Shockley Podcast-028: 04/28/2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Joe Shockley Podcast-027: 04/27/2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Joe Shockley Podcast-026: 04/26/2011
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Hanging on daddy.
Ember is just hanging out in the Ergo Baby carrier just before we went on our afternoon walk.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Joe Shockley Podcast-025: 04/25/2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Andy Ihnatko on iOS 4’s Location-Tracking Log
Andy Ihnatko on iOS 4’s Location-Tracking Log
Best piece I’ve seen on the “consolidated.db” location-tracking log:
A few reality checks, lest I inadvertently do a Glenn Beck number on all of you, here:
This database isn’t storing GPS data. It’s just making a rough location fix based on nearby cell towers. The database can’t reveal where you were…only that you were in a certain vicinity. Sometimes it’s miles and miles off. This implies that the logfile’s purpose is to track the performance of the phone and the network, and not the movements of the user.
A third party couldn’t get access to this file without physical access to your computer or your iPhone. Not unless you’ve jailbroken your iPhone and didn’t bother resetting its remote-access password… or there’s an unpatched exploit that would give Random Person On The Internet root access to your phone.
It’s pretty much a non-issue if you’ve clicked the “Encrypt iPhone Backup” option in iTunes. Even with physical access to your desktop, a no-goodnik wouldn’t be able to access the logfile.
But still! What a nervous can of worms. This is an open, unlocked file in a known location in a standard database format that anybody can read. If someone has physical access to your Mac — or remote access to your user account — it’s a simple matter of copying a file and opening it. And while the logfile can’t tell someone that you were at a specific house, it can obviously tell your boss that you went to the Cape on the day you called in sick.
It’s worse than that, though, because even if you are encrypting your backups, it’s also available to anyone who has physical access to your iPhone.
The big question, of course, is why Apple is storing this information. I don’t have a definitive answer, but the best at least somewhat-informed theory I’ve heard is that consolidated.db acts as a cache for location data, and that historical data should be getting culled but isn’t, either due to a bug or, more likely, an oversight. I.e. someone wrote the code to cache location data but never wrote code to cull non-recent entries from the cache, so that a database that’s meant to serve as a cache of your recent location data is instead a persistent log of your location history. I’d wager this gets fixed in the next iOS update.
-Via Daring Fireball
Joe Shockley Podcast-024: 04/22/2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Apple Currency Conversion Chart
Apple Currency Conversion Chart
People who are lucky enough to actually own Apple stock may have paid attention to the fact that Apple released their Second Quarter Results today. In fact, even those not directly benefiting may have gotten word that they now effectively own the US Federal Reserve. You see, the US government no longer had enough currency to print the giant piles of cash-on-hand Apple has at their disposal. So, Apple simply called in their chips and, starting today, will be printing their own. Thus replacing the faces and common names we formerly called our currency.
In order to help with this transition, I have created this handy guide. Please feel free to share this. You may also copy and paste it into the iPhone but, if you do, please use something other than Marker Felt. Here we go:
$100 bill – Is now to be commonly referred to as a Steve
$50 bill – To be commonly referred to as a Cook
$20 bill – To be commonly referred to as a Schiller
$3 coin – To be commonly referred to as a Woz
$1 bill – Now cancelled due to lack of usage and replaced by…
$.99 – To be commonly referred to as a Sucker and used only at the end of the round numbers above to drive purchasing. Don’t expect change.
(Note to our international readers, none of this is really true. The post is done in humor though, if you read the results, not far from the truth.)
- via Feeddler RSS Reader
You can't be afraid to fail: Lessons from Tina Fey, Lorne Michaels & Bob Lefsetz
Lorne Michaels says "The show doesn't go on because it's ready, it goes on because its 11:30".
Whew! Isn't that what's wrong with today's major label projects? They're so busy being perfected that all the life is sapped out of them. As Tina says "...perfect is overrated. Perfect is boring on live TV." And it's boring on stage and on record and...
And you can't be afraid to fail...
"you can't be too worried about your 'permanent record.' Yes, you're going to write some sketches that you love and are proud of forever - your golden nuggets. But you're also going to write some shit nuggets. And unfortunately, sometimes the shit nuggets make it onto the air. You can't worry about it. As long as you know the difference, you can go back to panning for gold on Monday."
This is why I'm podcasting 5 days a week.
Doing a show half assed once every couple of weeks isn't going to improve my editing, EQing, speaking or writing skills.
Nor will it help build an audience.
And it'll certainly limit my opportunities of finding gold nuggets!
I tried writing on a regular basis, but that's not me, I'm dyslexic, it's painful for me to write/type. On a good day I'll rewrite a draft three of four times and still get it muddled. Often times I won't even post what I've done because I'm worn out by the process.
Podcasting on the other hand comes natural to me. I turn on the mic and I can just riff, flow and find my groove within in minutes. I'm comfortable behind the mic but I'm still not 100% satisfied. I continue to work on my tone, balance and story telling.
I'm still developing my voice as it were. Not the quality, rhythm or phrasing, but what it is I have to say, what am I contributing to the world.
And that, I think, will always be a work in progress.
In the meantime though, instead of waiting for the inspiration to hit, I ship Monday trough Friday. Not because the show's ready, because it's a weekday and it's time to deliver the goods!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Joe Shockley Podcast-023: 04/21/2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Joe Shockley Podcast-022: 04/20/2011
Martin Solveig... makes hugh pop dance tunes and very funny movies.
Sometimes there's nothing better than the feeling of you kid falling a sleep in your arms.
It's been a rough couple of nights with teething, gas, etc. Still, nothing beats the feeling of your son falling a sleep in your arms and then successfully transferring said child to the crib with out them waking up. Satisfying on two very different levels, but satisfying nonetheless.
Tom Vek returns with A Chore
Monday, April 18, 2011
Joe Shockley Podcast-021: 04/19/2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Joe Shockley Podcast-020: 04/18/2011